• W four worlds - Episode 09

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    Thursday 22nd December 2022 at 07:08

    I'm posting the following before reading your reply in the previous two episodes. Sorry if this one is pretty much useless.




    Episode 9 Commentary


    #2. Parking, In Yeon-Joo's car (day).


    As to why Fairy Park came with Soo-bong to the real world, I have no idea but it’s a welcome surprise.



    #3. "Butterfly Girl" - Steep path (day).


    poor Soo-bong! He can’t even rest a bit and plan how to proceed. The pace is getting better again.



    Kang Chul and Han Hyo-joo’s kissing scene


    A comic scene until the action takes place, and I was right.



    #7. "Butterfly Girl" - Steep path (day).


    Soo-bong now confronts the high school bully, but was saved by Ren-bo even before trying his Taekwondo skills.


    Is that how madly in love Ren-bo is? Too bad, Soo-bong is useless here.


    But the line “Why did she become hateful?”


    Does Ren-bo have a doppelganger here?


    #8. "Real World" - Parking (day).

    “She no longer fits her character!!!”


    What happened whilst Soo-bong was gone?


    Yeon-joo and Fairy Spark’s car scene allows us some breather before going back.



    #10. "Butterfly Girl" - Steep path (day).


    If the Ren-bo in this scene is actually Ren-bo and not a doppelganger, what made her go yandere?


    “Ren-Bo becomes a translucent shape bounded by black outlines.”


    Is Ren-Bo disappearing from the man-hwa or we’ll see a different phenomenon?



     #14. "Butterfly Girl" - Steep path (day).


    looks like this is the real Ren-bo...and we have this frenzy back and forth between the real world and the manhwa world



    #16. "Butterfly Girl" - Steep path (day).


    Now we know that the violent Ren-bo is the real Ren-bo and not a doppelganger. She was acting like she was possessed by another entity. As to why that happens, we will have to find out.


    The following frames are nothing more than Ren-bo taking Soo-bong to her home; both of them flirting with each other.


    At #21, there’s nothing yet that would advance the plot, but the average audience would be thrilled with romantic scenes such as this.





    I’m still clueless on what causes Soo-bongs quick teleportation back and forth from the real world to the manhwa world.



    #24. Ren-Bo's Garden (late afternoon).


    I’ve seen accidental breast grabbing numerous times in anime, the most infamous of which is Shinji and Rei. I’m not sure I’ve seen one in kdramas.


    The only live action I’ve seen is the following clip, but this was a C-drama.




    I could imagine this being equivalent to Yeon-joo’s flashing in the original kdrama.



    #26. "Butterfly Girl" - Ren-Bo's Garden (late afternoon).


    The scene ends with a drop of blood. Now if this is significant or a misdirection, we’ll see.

      • Thursday 22nd December 2022 at 08:49

        #2. At the end of episode 8, you may have missed this detail:

        FAIRY SPARK (flies and goes in front of Soo-Bong)

        She was right next to Soo-Bong when he disappeared. She was sucked in with him. It's as if Soo-Bong took an object with him. Like the white flower he takes with him later. Screenplay: every detail count. I guess in a novel, there would be room for two or three sentences explaining all.


        #7. Indeed, this presages a fight with Soo-Bong, and it's a false lead to surprise. It's curious that you imagined Ren-Bo to be a doopleganger, but I think... watching the story the first time, one must surely have many assumptions because what happens is mysterious.

        Yeon-joo and Fairy Spark in the car: this gives a clue as to what might be going on here. I guess it will become obvious later. 


        #10. Earlier, Yeon-joo identifies Fairy Spark's disappearance as a disappearing effect of the manhwa (in the same way as Kang Chul). Soo-Bong does too, but neither of them really understand why. Soo-Bong assumes that it is because she is not fulfilling her role as a character (much like Kang Chul in W). But we don't know if he's right or not yet. In a later scene of the episode, we see Yeon-Joo thinking and understanding something (but she don't say what).


        #21+. Indeed, it wouldn't be a kdrama without romance scenes, ha. Comedy scenes with some additions. On Ren-Bo's character in the quirky manhwa way. Before, in the bandage scene (cliché!), she refuses to call Soo-Bong Oppa, for no reason. The following scenes are in fact his baptism of fire. She puts him through all this to see if he can stand her, it's a love test! But this is probably not premeditated on her part, it's more likely that she's doing this by instinct. Or because it's a fairly common psychological process. At the end, she uses a somewhat odd turn of phrase:

        "Are you cool enough to put up with me?"

        And so then she's okay with him being her Oppa. The story doesn't mention it, but it's unlikely that she did this to Park Sin-Moo. :-D

        Ren-Bo's pranks are first-degree comedy, but there's a bit more meta humor in regards to Yeon-joo's reactions.

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